
From Religions Wiki
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Not to be confused with Evangelicalism.
For more information, see the Wikipedia article:

Evangelism is the process of preaching or proselytizing the Christian Gospel. It is mostly associated with Fundamentalist Protestant sects of Christianity. It is based on the Greek word ευανγγελιον, meaning 'good news'. Though most, if not all, Christian sects stress the importance of evangelism, it is considered absolutely essential to Fundamentalist sects. It is also known as the Great Commission or "winning souls for Christ". Christians point to Matt. 28, 19-20 in the Bible as one of Jesus Christ's commands to his followers to "preach the gospel (ευανγγελιον) to all nations." Evangelism is the main driving force of Christian missionary activity, and as such has contributed to the violent deaths of uncounted numbers of people.

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